Thursday, March 16, 2017

Online Video Marketing: Page Views Are Great, But Quality Is King

By 2017, video will account for 69% of all consumer Internet traffic, according to Cisco. This statistic is not lost on today’s successful brands. They have already embraced the awesome power of video. But, to stand out in this crowd, your online video marketing efforts should focus on quality and not quantity. Quality can be measured by how long you keep the attention of your target audience on your YouTube channel. In other words, how long are they watching your videos and how many of your videos do they watch? Not how many people have (briefly) scanned your video.
The number of views is often a vanity metric that helps marketers defend their budgets; ‘Look, we have only spent $10.000 and reached half a million people according to our YouTube views’. If you make a clear distinction between your online buyer persona and you set your goals broader than just brand awareness, you will automatically develop a more mature online video marketing strategy that might be even easier to defend in the boardroom.
Brands should be aware of these three important aspects that can help turn ordinary online videos into quality online video content that can catch and keep customer attention:
1. Crowd. What does your audience look like? Creating online buyer personas will allow you to determine what this audience wants to hear; do you use an informal tone? Would animation be more appealing to your audience, or do you need to get experts in front of the camera? Your audience doesn’t always need a flashy video with catchy music and fast visuals. For instance, an audience of home theater enthusiasts might be more interested in receiving information about the best way to furnish their home theater.
2. Context. The context of a video, in a YouTube gadget, on your brand channel or on your website, can influence the perception of your brand or product. Realize that the information or branded elements you show need to be relevant to your viewer. For example, you can strengthen your video about the latest trends in educational toys for kids by showing examples of the toys you have to offer in your YouTube environment. If you can effectively engage a viewer, they will then share the video with others, click-through to your other videos, and most importantly, they will spend a longer amount of time on your website and thereby spend more time interacting with your brand.
3. Content. Sure, we all love touching, funny or surprising online videos that go viral. However, other formats of online video can be equally successful. Informational or how-to videos are very effective at engaging viewers. If you produce televisions, it is likely that your target audience is looking for information about different types of televisions during their visit to your page. In that case, a potential viral video that includes a memorable or funny character will likely help you with your visibility, but it might be more helpful if you create videos that explain exactly what your latest models have to offer.
Before starting with your online video marketing strategy, think about what you want to achieve and what types of content can help you achieve those goals.
Brands can and should incorporate online video marketing in their overall strategy. And, they don’t necessarily need the Hollywood-like budgets to create one viral hit after another. Make sure to think about your objectives, key performance indicators, and concentrate on the three Cs -- Crowd, Context and Content.
Loek Wermenbol is co-founder and CEO of Clipster.

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